FREE 30 Minute Consultation

Discover the power of personal growth and transformation with my 30-minute life coaching consultation. In this session, you'll have the opportunity to explore your goals, challenges, and aspirations in a supportive and confidential environment.

Introductory 60 Minute Session

In this session, as a skilled and dedicated coach, I will dive deep into understanding your goals, aspirations, and challenges. Thought-provoking questions and expert guidance will help you gain clarity, identify potential roadblocks, and outline a preliminary action plan to set you on the path to success. Whether you're seeking to enhance your career, improve your relationships, or achieve personal growth, this introductory coaching session will provide you with a glimpse of the incredible possibilities that lie ahead.


60 minutes session

Format: One-on-one coaching session

Intended Outcome: Clarity, initial action plan, and a sense of the coaching experience

Investment: $60 (This amount may be deductible from the overall 6 or 9 Sessions)

Package of 6 Sessions - $550

Ideal for anyone who has a specific goal you're ready to tackle, or a clear idea of where they want to focus but not making it happen on their own.


6 coaching sessions

Approx. 9 hours of coaching

Sessions every 1 - 2 weeks

Email support & accountability check-ins

Coaching summaries with helpful resources

Coaching package valid for 4 months

Ongoing options available

Package of 9 Sessions - $800

This transformational package is perfect for anyone dealing with multiple or long-standing issues, or no clear idea.


9 coaching sessions

Approx 13.5 hours of coaching

Sessions every 1 to 2 weeks

Email support & accountability check-ins

Coaching summaries with helpful resources

Coaching package valid for 6 months

Ongoing options available